Local volunteers prevent use of low quality bricks in construction of a school in Balkh province.

9 Nov 2016
Local volunteers prevent use of low quality bricks in construction of a school in Balkh province.

Community Based Monitoring – Infrastructure (CBM-I) program in Balkh

The building of Ghazi Amanullah Khan School had been completely destroyed and there was a need for its reconstruction. Therefore, a German organization called WASF allocated USD 516,000 for its reconstruction with the intention that the reconstruction work would be completed by the end of 2016.

During the monitoring process, local monitors found that the hired contractor had used low quality bricks for the school’s reconstruction. After obtaining proof, the local monitors raised this issue with the people responsible for the program at Integrity Watch in Balkh province. Together IWA and the local monitors raised this issue of low quality bricks with the contractor company’s managers noting the obvious concern this caused within the local community of the school. The result was that the company replaced the low quality bricks with high quality bricks. Besides the issue of low quality bricks, the local monitors also found problems with the school’s concrete pillars and the building frame and shared these problems with the implementing company as well.

Because of the persistent efforts of these local monitors the quality of construction of this 24-classroom building for the Ghazi Amanullah Khan School has been ensured and will serve more than 3,100 students for years to come.