Community action provides clean drinking water to students of Kapisa province

5 Jul 2017
Community action provides clean drinking water to students of Kapisa province

Ali Ahmad Mashal Afroz, provincial coordinator, Kapisa

Students at Nasaji Gulbahar female school are now able to drink clean water. A few months ago, the school had no clean drinking water which resulted in the spread of waterborne diseases among students which created not only physical but also a social and financial burden to the communities.

The students and school shared the issue with the education authorities in the province several times but to no avail. Finally, in collaboration with school management, the Integrity Volunteers of the school discussed the issue directly with the governor of Kapisa himself. The governor promptly asked the donor representatives to help the school with drilling a borehole. The community extended a helping hand and the school got clean drinking water shortly.

The Community Based Monitoring of School program started in 2014 in Kapisa province. Since then, the program has covered more than 50 schools in the province. About fifty thousand students covered through the program of which 35 percent are female. Students hold School Management Shura (SMS) to discuss major problems of their schools.

With an aim to increase coordination between the people and the government representatives to bring transparency and accountability, the program is monitoring schools in nine provinces including Balkh, Bamyan, Herat, Kabul, Kapisa, Kunduz, Nangarhar, Paktia, and Parwan provinces.